Thursday, January 22, 2015

It's crazy what can happen in a week...

Heads up... this post may be a little TMI (so stop reading now if you don't want to read it) - You've been warned!

So I had been dealing with the issues with my back/sciatic nerve - went to the doctor last Monday - and he is pretty sure it is my sciatic. He prescribed me some Ibuprofen and Robaxin (muscle relaxer) AND made a referral to Physical Therapy. Ok - making some progress!

Tuesday morning I wake up and decide to do some yoga so I can stretch out some. I lay down on the floor and I have the most horrendous pain shooting through my right breast.  I call the doctor and have an appt. for the following Monday.  As the week goes on - my pain gets worse.  I end up going to the doctor on Friday.

I see the doctor and he sends me right to the Women's Center to see a Surgeon. I get to see the Surgeon pretty quickly and he tells me that it is an abscess and it needs to be drained TODAY! Because of the location - I need to go in for surgery.  So at 2 pm I headed into the hospital - surgery at 4pm(ish). I was a nervous wreck. The surgery team was GREAT! Everyone had such a great personality and really helped to calm my nerves.  Once I started breathing in the oxygen - next thing I knew, I was OUT! I woke up in recovery and was like "it's over!?" I had a cyst the size of a quarter removed! I follow up with Dr. Pearce tomorrow after school.

So now I continue to be out of commission in the workout department.  I'm up another pound.  I need to get my eating under control!!

Monday, January 12, 2015

doctor, doctor

2:30 can't come fast enough... that's when I leave school and head to the doctor, and I can't wait. I'm so tired of being in pain! I slept pretty good last night, on the couch. But I woke up early and was pretty uncomfortable :(  right now I'm sitting here with an ice pack on my ass.  My right leg, hip and butt check are covered in biofreeze.

Being active really seems to help.  I did Combat on Saturday and I wasn't hurting like I thought I would be.  Yesterday we went for a walk on the Spanish Moss trail.  It's almost like the activity seems to help, but at the same time I'm worried about hurting myself more.

This isn't fair! I'm only 35 and I shouldn't be hurting like this.

In other news... I pretty much lost the weight that I put on over the holidays - YAY!! :) Looking forward to this week

Monday, January 5, 2015


So I went to the chiropractor tonight after work.  He is really helping with my hips/low back.  I asked about working out.  He said it would be best if I could workout there at his office (they now offer therapeutic exercise - aka trying to get more money from me) but he said that I can and should slowly be working out.  I asked about my elliptical and he said that would be a good option since it's low impact, but if I start to have pain - I need to stop. I have to go back at least 2 other times this week to be adjusted to try and alleviate the pain that I'm having at night.

I was pretty on point with my meals today :)

Here's to hoping I sleep past 3 am tonight and that I can get an elliptical workout in before school :)

Friday, January 2, 2015


Well, it's 3:30 am  on January 2nd and I'm awake!  I fell asleep in bed somewhere around midnight... did you read that? In my own bed!  I have finally slept some in my bed the past 2 nights!! :) Granted it hasn't been long (2 hours the first night, 3.5 hours last night) but I have finally been able to sleep in my bed :)  I'm making some progress.  I see my Chiropractor again on Monday and he has a copy of my most recent X-Rays so I'm hoping to get some answers.  (and some more relief!)

We signed the lease on our new apt. earlier this week.  We begin to move in 2 weeks!! I'm excited and looking forward to this new place... Kitchen, Living Room, Half-Bath are downstairs and 2 Bedrooms, Bath, and Washer/Dryer are upstairs.  AND we have a garage :)  I'm really looking forward to the fact that Aiden's bedroom isn't going to be next to the front door OR the kitchen OR the living room.  Another great bonus to this apt is the fact that we are REALLY close to the Spanish Moss Trail!  Walking, bike riding, and (eventually - once I'm able to again) running will be in my families future!! A lot easier than it has been.

I've been sitting here with ice on my back (because that is what my Chiropractor said to do) and it isn't helping the pain.  I really want to put the heating pad on it - but I'm not supposed to.  He says that the heating pad will make it feel better temporarily - but it will do more damage because it makes the inflammation worse.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

I'm getting back at it!

I've been back to Weight Watchers since this summer... I'm down 15-17 lbs (depending on the day) and I've pretty much been STUCK since the beginning of November.  BOO!

I purchased Les Mills PUMP and COMBAT when it was MAJORLY on sale around Thanksgiving. I had to wait to get the okay from my doctor to start working out after my knee treatments.  I finally got that okay and I had been working out about 2 weeks and something happened to my back/hip.  So I've been off my workout game for about the past week and a half and it totally SUCKS!  I've been to the chiropractor for adjustments (but they were closed all this past week), went for a massage, and ended up at Urgent Care on Friday.  I go back to the chiropractor on Tuesday and I cannot wait! I'm feeling okay - just taking it day by day.

So now since I can't really work out - I need to check myself in other areas.  I am getting myself back to the basics with my food.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I have always had goals - I would write them down in some sort of fashion - but wouldn't really keep them where they were easily viewed daily.  That will change with these set of goals! I also need to break these down into smaller chunks.

Half Marathon - I am currently registered for my first 10k in February. The Savannah Hot Cocoa Half! I'm looking at the Palmetto Bluff Half Marathon at the beginning of March. I just worry because it is only 9 weeks to train...

Loose 75 pounds (6.25 lbs monthly) - I will be celebrating every 5 lbs and a reward for each 10 lbs lost. I have these already figured out from before. I just need to break them (visuals) back out again.  I'm currently in size 16/18 pants... looking forward to that number going down as well!

Blog to keep up accountability - I would like to blog just about every day... I'm going to shoot for 3 days a week to start!

Budget - I like to spend money... it has always been and issue for me. I need to set myself a budget and try to save some money. I have a picture saved about putting away money each week - It's a great idea, I really want to do it!

Seek out a therapist - I know I have a lot of internal stuff going on... I need to talk to someone that I'm not close to. That I'm not worried about hurting feelings.

Hopefully we will be in our own place soon. Application #2 was turned in for an appt. Hopefully we will hear back from them by Friday - but they said Monday at the latest.  This place was AMAZING! I hate putting it out there since I don't know if we will be approved for it, but I'm just so excited. Once we have our own place I know I will be able to really take off with my goals! I know that sounds like an excuse - but this is just so hard not having my own space to work out (or a gym membership) and not having my kitchen to prepare/keep my food in!

Ok - I think this is all for tonight y'all. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Back in the Game!

Well - It is officially time for me to get back in the game. I have lost ANY and ALL progress that I made this past year. I know that the move didn't help - along with 4 adults and 1 toddler living in one house together. Hopefully we will have our house/apartment/townhouse/condo - SOMETHING - soon! I will be able to do more and it will be better for me and my family.  I can workout and eat what I need to eat and have the right food stored in my house and not need to worry about other people eating my food, or not having any room to store my food!

I have a lot of things rambling around in my head... I need to get all my goals and wishes and dreams down on paper (er... computer screen)

I am going to be contacting a therapist for myself as well... I really think that this will be good for me. I need to do that next week!

No gym membership for now :( I'm really missing my gym!! But we just don't have the $$ for it right now. I have DVD's to do at home - and I'm getting back to running so I can meet my goal of a half marathon!  I don't need no stinkin' gym! I signed up for a 10k in Savannah in February too!!